Laureate Community Academy

Road Safety Week

Published: 18 November, 2021

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Road Safety Week
This week is Road Safety Week, and we are celebrating Road Safety Heroes. A Road Safety Hero is a person who helps and assists others to use the road safely. Throughout the week, we have led assemblies for all children and completed a demonstration with Year 6 to educate them about the safest way to cross a road.

Our request to you, parents and carers of Laureate, is that you be your child(ren)’s Road Safety Hero. You can achieve this by:  –

  • Always hold their hands when they are near the roads and when they cross the road. 
  • Help them to recognise the safest place to cross. 
  • Help them to ride their bikes/scooters in safe places, wear helmets and dismount their bikes/scooters before they cross the road or when they are near a horse.  
  • Make sure they walk across the road, not run.  
  • Most importantly, please help us practise ‘Think, Stop, Look and Listen. Wait. When safe, cross’.

Thank you!  

The Junior Road Safety Officers (Oliver, Edi and Brianne)