Important information for the last week of term.
15th July 2022
Important Information Regarding the Last Week of Term
• We are pleased to be able to invite you to attend your child’s end of year certificate assembly, in their
classroom – please see the dates and times for each class on the right (including a change of date and
time for the Year 6 leavers’ assembly, which is in the hall).
• You will no doubt be aware that the Met Office has issued a Red Extreme Heat Warning. Our risk
assessment is attached with this newsletter; please note in particular:
o There will be no PE lessons on Monday or Tuesday; however, children may come to school
in their PE kit or another plain, light-coloured t-shirt and their PE shorts on those days if
they wish.
o The children must stay in the shade at break and lunchtimes, whether or not they are
wearing a hat.
o Please ensure that your child has sun cream applied before they come to school.
o Unless the guidance changes, we expect to stay open for full school days as normal.